Tuesday 7 August 2012

Academic Success Guarantees a Successful Life.Do you agree? Justify your opinion.

      Nowadays academic is very important to all individual for successful in life. Government has implemented various education policies to ensure an excellent education for all community.Academic or education today has many important component to form an outstanding individual in knowledge, character, discipline,sport and more.The proper education  will  guarantee success and happiness in life.In this essay I will give three advantages for individual who have good academic level which is easy to get a good career ,improve the status of our self and have an expertise.

          Firstly,the individual that has good academic is easy to get a good career. Besides that,we also will get an attractive salary when we have a high level of education such as Diploma, Degree, Master and PhD. We also can improve the standard of living with a lot of money that we get and perform many interest activity like shopping and traveling. The most important things is we can help our parents ,family in difficulties or in distress situation.

           Secondly,we can increase the status of our self.The successful individual also will be honored by community. Moreover,we also will entrusted by the society to be a leader in a activity,meeting or any program. In addition the person that have good academic also can make decision and control the discussion.By that we can increase the level of self-confidence.This is because we must have the confidence and courage in leading the community. Besides that,we also must have a very strong influence in making an action or decision.

             Last but not least,the individual that have a good academic also will have the expertise and they can contribute specialties to the community.For example,a doctor will contribute medical expertise to the community and an economist can support economic growth for country.By this it will help development of the country.

            In conclusion ,academic is very important and it can guarantee a successful in life .All  individual must work hard ,make efforts and have a confidence to achieve a good academic.This is because academic is really important to successful in life.  

Written by : Farah & Syuhada

Sunday 24 June 2012

air pollution..

Air pollution

Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth.


An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made.
Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary
·         primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.
·         Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone

Major primary pollutants produced by human activity include:

ü  Sulfur oxides (SOx)
SO2 is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes.
Since coal and petroleum often contain sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulfur dioxide.
ü  Carbon dioxide (CO2)
CO2 a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion but is also a gas vital to living organisms. It is a natural gas in the atmosphere.
ü  Carbon monoxide 
 Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide.
  { mira mohamad}

Sunday 17 June 2012

Smile =) : Some Tips For Muet Speaking

1. Dress well. Smart and neat.

2. Don't forget your IC and slip.

3. Memorise the list of words/phrases that are useful for tasks A & B.

4. When you enter the quarantine room, decide who in your group will start the group discussion and who will end. The one who concludes my start making a conclusion on the 9th minute so pay close attention to your own watch.

5. You will be given one minute to read the question. After that you can ask anything you want. You MUST ask something even if you think you understand because the examiner will try to give you more ideas and you can HEAR the words being spoken so you can adjust your pronunciation.

6. Always smile and look confident even though you feel like a lump of nerves.

7. Divide the blank paper given into 4 quadrants for A, B, C & D. Write your 3 points in your
section. Always give 3 main points with reasons and real examples. If you can't describe all 3 points and you have no conclusion, don't panic. NO MARKS WILL BE DEDUCTED. All you have to do is to speak continously for 2 minutes and give as much elaboration as possible. Think of mature ideas. Think of what the individual can do, then what society can do and finally how the government can address the issue if this is relevant to your question.

8. Take notes in the remaining 3 quadrants when your fellow candidates are speaking. You can 'borrow' their ideas for task B.

9. Use the 2 mins prep. time for task B to rank your opinions. Which is more important?
Example, D, A , C then B is the last choice. Give reasons why A, C & B are NOT THE BEST

10. Fight (politely) for a chance to speak during the discussion by interrupting in a gentlemanly way. (may i interrupt, can i add something pls.., sorry to intterupt but, pardon me but...etc). However, do not be a control freak and talk too much. On the other hand, do not be a mouse without a voice. Equal opportunity for all to speak and you will get bonus marks for teamwork. If you friend runs out of ideas or forgets a word, offer your opinion. This is what a good discussion is about, sharing ideas and thoughts.

11. When you are blank just 1) repeat what your friends have just said. OR 2) tell your friends you didn't understand their point and could they please repeat it. NEVER be silent for a long time. 3) Just ask the next person what they think instead.

12. If there is plenty of time left, and you have already come to a decision, ask the others their opinion on why the other points ARE NOT SUITABLE. (Why dont we consider candidate A's point? Why do you think it isnt suitable? etc)

13. If your group manages to do a conclusion within 10 minutes, it will be a better discussion. 4/4: we all agree that.. 3/4 most of us agree that... 2/4 some of use agree that... while others think that... 0/4 NONE of us agree that...

14. If your group DID NOT MANAGE to make a conclusion, dont panic. NO MARKS WILL BE DEDUCTED. In real life, not all conversations have a conclusion.

15. Smile politely and thank the examiners before you leave  


Saturday 26 May 2012

How to Become an Excellent Student

1. Like all exceptionally great students, you must pay attention! When a teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask questions. The more questions you ask, the smarter you'll get, believe it or not. By passing notes and talking to friends, you won't learn anything, so pay close attention!

2.  Review your notes when you have free time.

3. Take some time to write some problems up, or you could ask someone to write them for you. Just remember, it doesn't hurt to go over what you have learned.

4. Do your homework. Teachers give you homework for a reason. It is to review what you have learned that day. Take advantage of your free time. Do your homework on the way home from school in any spare time. Do as much at school as you can-there you have the teacher in case you need help. Make sure not to rush on your homework, to check over it, and to be neat. If you really want to be a successful student, you should know right from the beginning when you want to be great at anything, you have to put up with things that just don't seem fair. Doing your homework is not a big deal. Remember, homework can also help you develop good habits and attitudes.Always do what is asked of you.

5. Be prepared. Bring everything you need with you to class. Books, folders, pens, pencils, homework, review sheets etc. whatever you need it would be a good idea to bring it.

6. Get organized.Staying organized in school is really important.If you are organized, then you are 1 step ahead in being successful. Keep a folder for each subject, and yes, you put your math papers in your math folder, you put your Language Arts papers in your Language Arts folder, you put your science papers in your science folder, and so on. It would really be a good idea to color code or label your folders.

7. Study. It would be a good idea to start studying a few days before a test. Make a studyschedule. If an extracurricular activity gets in the way of your studying, tell the person in charge of that certain event, that you will not be able to attend that event, or you will have to leave early. However, there will be certain situations where you will have to attend whatever it is. In this kind of situation, you will just have to study another day. This is where your study schedule comes in. Write out a schedule of the week of your test and find your free time. Always remember, use your time wisely. Study as if you are motivated for the outcome of your hard work.

8. Start to read a little more. If you are not already a reader, start at your level and work your way up. You may not know this, but by reading more challenging and difficult books, you are expanding your vocabulary.

9. Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a mini-test for you 3 days advance of your test. You should always want to study before the night of your test.

10. If your mind is not working properly then do not lose your heart. Just focus on your work and you'll succeed.

11. Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.

Thursday 3 May 2012

higher education..

Vocabulary (najihah saleh)

A. = Adjective   ADV. = Adverb   IDM. = Idiom   N. = Noun   V. = Verb
apprenticeship N. training in an art or a trade
This word is also sometimes used to describe educational training programs, common in Europe and much of the world, in which young people learn their profession through on-the-job training in companies and organizations. Often this includes one or two days a week of in-class training. This kind of education is uncommon in the United States.
to be funded V. to be paid for, to supply the money for
a degree N. a title given by a university
facilities N. services or conveniences
to major V. to specialize in (a particular academic field)
a major N. the main field of study in which a university student specializes
to minor V. to have a secondary specialization in (a particular academic field)
a minor N. the secondary field of study in which a student specializes
to stand for V. to be the short form of, to represent, to mean
terminology N. specialized words or expressions used in a particular field, activity, job, science, etc.
to transfer V. 1) to change schools 2) to move from one place to another said of people or things
B.A. N. Bachelor of Arts, an undergraduate degree in a humanities-related subject
B.S. N. Bachelor of Science, an undergraduate degree in a science-related subject
master's N. the graduate degree after a bachelor's and before a Ph.D. There are also different kinds of master's, including M.A. (Master of Arts), M.S. (Master of Science), M.B.A. (Master in Business Administration), etc.
Ph.D. N. doctorate, highest graduate degree Although Ph.D. stands for Doctor of Philosophy, it is commonly used to refer to a doctorate in any field.

Monday 23 April 2012

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your English

  1. Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.
  2. Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favourite songs and sing along to them.
  3. Start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.
  4. Write in your diary/journal in English. This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc. 
  5. Be best friends with a good English dictionary. You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that you’re comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when you’re reading. I always put my favourite Oxford dictionary by my side when I’m reading. So when I stumble upon a word I don’t know, I don’t have to get up and look around for it. It’s right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up!
  6. Learn a new word a day. Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in your head.    AFIQ ZAKWAN

Saturday 21 April 2012

10 tips on How to Speak Effectively in Public :)

How can we speak effectively in public? 

1. We should look our best.
 Although people aren’t supposed to ‘judge the book by its cover’, some people unconsciously tend to do that. If we don’t look credible enough, they may not even start listening to what we have to say. I’m not saying we ought to wear gowns or tuxedos, but simply wear clothes fit for the occasion. Our clothes should be neat and free of wrinkles (unless it’s the clothes’ style), not too loud that people would rather stare at it than us. We should be pleasant-looking, and I’m not only referring to our clothes but our faces and gestures as well.

2. We should know how to stress our point.

 A speech, like a song has a variety of notes, tempo and loudness. A singer who just screeches all the way from the beginning to the end will not be listened to, no matter how talentedly-highpitched she is. Same with delivering a speech. We ought to know when to stay silent, when to pause, when to speak loudly, when to whisper, when to speak fast, when to slow down, etc. or else we would sound monotonous and the main points of our speech would not be understood or remembered well.

3. We should be humble. 

We should admit it when we make mistakes during our speech and to apologize for that mistake. There are times we may forget a certain term. Instead of pausing for a long time or using a word we’re not sure of, it’s better to ask our listeners. Do not be ashamed to do this. Listeners would appreciate your humility and even relate to you more because they know you are just like them, a human capable of making mistakes and forgetting things, a great or famous person, yet, still human, like them, and this makes the listeners love you more.

4. We should develop a clean sense of humor.

 Relating to the above mentioned tip on humility, it’s not embarrassing to make mistakes or forget things especially when you have a good sense of humor to save the day. Instead of that instant becoming one of your most embarrassing experiences, it might even become one of your speech’s highlights depending on how you carry yourself. Let me point out though, that it’s a clean sense of humor I’m talking about, because I’ve heard some speeches before that relied on toilet humor and/or ‘for adults only jokes’ (you know what I mean)and the listeners, me included were not amused at all. Some might even be offended and walk out. So, be careful with the jokes, okay?

5. We should talk to the listeners not just with our lips but our eyes too.

Even if we have a prepared speech (which speakers usually don’t memorize), we should not glue our eyes on it. It’s probably better if we just write outlines of our speech and not the word per word thing, for we might just be tempted to look at it more. If it’s an outline, we wouldn’t rely on that sheet of paper before us. Instead of looking on the prepared speech sheet, we should be looking at our listeners. Don’t just focus on one though (even if there’s a really gorgeous guy or girl in the audience who caught your attention). Look from left to right or right to left slowly; look at nearly everyone. Look them in the eyes, try to see if they understand your point. Let’s not look at trees or the stage’s ceiling or floor. We are talking to the people, so it’s them we ought to look at. Let’s make sure though that the way we look at them is not in any way offending though. And what we’re saying should be in harmony with how we look at them.

6. We should use our gestures well.

 If you’re a conductor in an orchestra, I’d understand why you have a lot of hand gestures (just kidding!^^), but if not, minimize it. We don’t want the audience to be distracted with our unnecessary movements while we talk. Our gestures should be governed by what we say and what we want to point out. We should avoid having a memorized gesture like children are taught when reciting a poem in grade school. (we’re not kids anymore, so it’s not cute anymore^^)

7. We should use appropriate language.

 There’s no need to use terribly deep-no one-else-has-heard-of terms or expressions to impress the listeners. Instead of gaining admirers, we might even lose them. Speak with simplicity and sincerity. Speak your audience’s language, meaning, make your language appropriate for their level of understanding and appreciation.
8. We should connect to our listeners. Let’s not speak as if we’re on a stage in an empty hall. We should talk to them. Some speakers even go to the point of going down the stage and talking to individuals, making the audience feel that they are important and that it’s not a one-way communication speech, but a discussion and that their thoughts matter. We don’t always have to do this. It depends on the occasion, the listeners and the time allotted for our speech. I would just like to point out that speakers who make their audience feel that he is not the center of attention but them (the listeners) win their respect more.

9. We should believe in what we are saying.

 If we don’t sound convinced by what we say, we can’t expect anyone to believe it. In the first place, there’s no need to be shy when asked to speak in public because the fact that you are asked to speak to the audience already means that you have authority in that area you will be talking about, and that those people already believe in you to begin with. So, let’s prove them right and not waste their trust.

10. We should be able to inspire our listeners to take action.

This skill is probably not that easy to develop, but it’s the skill that separates good speakers from great ones. Why? Because even if people enjoyed our speech and listened to it, if whatever action we expect from them afterwards was not realized, then, our talk might have been in vain. It might have been good for the moment, but not one that will be remembered or change lives.